The Continuing Costs of The Capitol Riots

Yet another Law Enforcement Officer (“LEO”) has committed suicide in the wake of the insurrection at the Capitol. At this point, anyone who down plays, or diminishes, what happened at the Capitol should have to look at the faces of the LEO’s who committed suicide, and their loved ones, every damn day, for the rest of their lives. But, I know where this thought rhetorically leads my friends on the right: the BLM Protests. So, before anyone goes and tries to make a BLM analogy, remember: LEOs involved in the BLM protests stop engaging with crowds when the situation shifted from being a protest to a riot. Under normal circumstances, LEOs engage in crowd control, when they determine that a crowd can be controlled. After that point, they surrender the area. Why? Bc any other option would almost certainly lead to a catastrophic outcome, with untold death and prolonged violence leading to the further deterioration of the situation. This is also why LEOs are conspicuously absent when looting is taking place. The vast majority of BLM protests were peaceful, and, deteriorated only when LEOs used violent dispersion tactics to break apart peaceful crowds. Furthermore, LEOs can step back when the risk is to property and not people, because, people are worth more than property.

The LEOs facing the hordes of MAGA faithful, seeking to fulfill President Trump’s failed insurrection and coup attempts couldn’t step back, like this was a Prada Store being looted. They couldn’t just surrender the national seat of power, and permit the potential assassination of lawmakers on live television. Also, allow me to remind everyone that those supporting the BLM movement protested, and, if I am not mistaken, even rioted, in D.C. Yet they never once attempted to overthrow the government. And, I know the next thought my friends on the right are thinking: “Not everyone at the Capitol was a violent Trump Supporter,” and, “most of them were peaceful.” I will allow them this point, even though they denied the obvious fact that the same was true of the BLM protests and riots. Nevertheless, those who engaged in violence that day were Trump supporters,* who murdered one cop, tried to murder others, and, caused LEOs who had endured the BLM protests, to commit suicide within weeks of the Capitol riots. This cannot be glossed over, or forgotten, without smearing the blood of the innocent, which thickly coats the hands of all who perpetuated the violence at the Capitol, and, the hands of all those who defend those actions, all. over. the. place.

*I will also permit that, in every group which has been incited to violence, there are likely to be some agent provocateurs, once again, even though the very people who rush to point this out denied the possibility when the subject was the BLM riots, because, consistency matters. Nevertheless, it has become abundantly clear that many, many, of the insurrectionists were dyed in the wool MAGA and QAnon lunatics.

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