What Is The GOP’s Endgame?

Northern Texas Hospitals requested emergency healthcare workers and The State of Texas has denied that request. Let that sink in. Hospitalizations have quadrupled in the region, and, the State basically said, “you’re on your own.” Children under 12 cannot be vaccinated, so, some Texas School Districts have decided to offer those students a remote option. The word option being key here, considering the fact that the State of Texas has said that it will not count remote attendance as actual attendance – meaning that any school district that even offers a remote option will pay dearly, in the form of lost funding from the state. Meanwhile, Ron Desantis is banning seemingly anything even remotely preferred by public health officials, even as his poll numbers show him losing significant ground to Charlie Crist, of all people.

I understand the political sentiment of playing to the base, but, making the base happy today won’t mean very much if the consequences of today’s happiness are merely tomorrow’s misery. The base (of either party) will not remember being happy. They will only remember the misleading words of their party’s leaders, carefully crafted to tell the base exactly what they wanted to hear. Donald Trump turned the GOP upside down, but, after his 2020 defeat, you might have thought that the Party would recalibrate. Instead, they haven’t recalibrated or doubled down, so much as they have fallen apart at the seams, thanks to a combination of the short-sighted and self-serving crowd, the calculated long game crowd, and finally the dimwits like MTG. Having only two viable parties wasn’t really all that great, and, now we only have one. As the GOP breaks down like fractions, I have to wonder: what is their endgame?

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