
The Reluctant Commentator is exactly what the name implies. We really didn’t want to have to write this. We have spouses, families, friends and lives… In other words, we have a ton of stuff that we’d rather be doing. Unfortunately, the world seems to have gone coo-coo for… that cereal that we all loved as a kid that wisely possesses a trademark over their catchy slogan. Anyway, with all the grandstanding and dividing going on, we hope to show the deeper issues that our nation faces. Not the sound bite clip that was carefully crafted to make the problems and the solutions seem so very simple. Also, we aim to provide different perspectives without shouting each other down. A civil discourse… a conversation. The person on the other end of the divide – they aren’t the enemy. They are our neighbor. They are the childhood friend that came to see the world through a different set of eyes. We hope that we can help our readers, and each other, remember that. We believe that, as family and friends and neighbors, we can come together and rise above the politicians, corporations, interest groups and media, to take back control of the conversation and refuse to be duped into believing over simplistic narratives which only serve to advance the interests of the party that presented them.

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